Do you ever wish you could come up with fresh ideas for your cards? Maybe you have never tried to make a handmade card and could use a little inspiration? One way to keep the ideas flowing is to try a sketch. There are several card sketch sites online, but my favorite is card positioning system.
I used July's kit to make this card based off of this sketch (cps 173):
I turned the sketch on it's side for my card and used the wonderful banner stamps from Midnight Rooster's kit!
Friend banner card
Supplies (all from the July Midnight Rooster kit):
cardstock- Coredinations
patterned paper- Collage Press, Crate Paper.
chipboard letters- American Crafts
banner stamp- Midnight Rooster kit club
butterflies- Jenni Bowlin
Hope that gets your creative mind flowing with some fun card ideas! Have a happy day, Charity
ooooh, gorgeous card!!! I love the banner, butterflies, colors, and just everything!!! Awesome work! :)
ReplyDeletebeautiful card, Charity! =)
ReplyDeleteGorgeous, girl! Love the long, thin size of the card, as well as that banner stamp on top of that chevron paper!
ReplyDeleteyour awesomeness melts my face off!!!! :)
ReplyDeleteBeautiful card girl!